Western Canal Water District Data Sheet

The Western Canal Water District (WCWD) is located directly west of the Thermalito Afterbay and to the north and west of the unincorporated community of Richvale, extending into Glenn County and proceeding southerly along Butte Creek almost to the Colusa County-Glenn County border (Figure 2-12). Although a portion of the District’s Sphere of Influence extends into Colusa County, no services are currently provided in that County.

Established in 1984, the District incorporates a total of 62,974 acres, of which 58,140 acres are irrigable acres. Approximately 39,000 irrigable acres are located in Butte County and the remaining acreage is located in Glenn County. The District is comprised primarily of agricultural lands, 90 percent of which are farmed in rice. The District has 258 canal turnouts supplying water to 150 customers for agricultural irrigation, rice straw decomposition, waterfowl and wildlife, and other agricultural uses within its boundaries. The District is located within the Butte Creek and Cherokee Watersheds.


Contact: Ted Trimble    

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 190, Richvale, CA 95974 

Phone: (530) 342-5083

Email: ted@westerncanal.com

Webpage: www.westerncanal.com

Enabling Legislation

California Water Code, Division 13, §20200 et seq.

Formation Information

The District was formed in December 1984

District Size:

62,974 acres

Board Meeting Information:

The District’s Board of Directors meet the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am. Agendas are posted at the District 72 hours in advance at the District office, 2003 Nelson Road, Nelson, CA 95958.


Agricultural and environmental irrigation


10 full-time, 1 or 2 part-time as needed

Download Western Canal Water District MSR