About Us
The Butte Local Agency Formation Commission (Butte LAFCo) is a state mandated local agency that oversees boundary changes to cities and special districts, the formation of new agencies including incorporation of new cities, and the consolidation of existing agencies. The broad goals of the agency are to ensure the orderly formation of local government agencies, to preserve agricultural and open space lands, and to discourage urban sprawl.
The Butte Local Agency Formation Commission has four full-time staff members:
Stephen Lucas
Executive Officer
(530) 538-6819
Jill Broderson
Management Analyst
(530) 538-3825
P. Scott Browne
Legal Counsel
Shannon Costa
Deputy Executive Officer
(530) 538-7151
Krystal Bradford
Commission Clerk
(530) 538-7784
LAFCO Commissioners & Alternates
The Butte LAFCo is composed of seven regular Commissioners: two members from the Butte County Board of Supervisors (selected by the entire Board); two members from the city councils (selected by the mayors of all five incorporated cities); two members who represent special districts (selected by a majority vote of independent special districts); and one public member (selected by the other six LAFCo members). There are also alternate city, county, special districts, and public members who vote whenever a regular member is absent or disqualified from participation on an item. Regular and alternate members serve a term of four years.